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CNN reportedly looking to pay Fredo Chris Cuomo $9 million in hush money

I’m going to do something I never thought I’d ever do. Give props to Fredo Chris Cuomo for what he has done to CNN since leaving. The communist propaganda network is imploding, and Fredo is partially responsible. Now, Fredo may be paid $9 to just shut up and go away. CNN really wants to stop the leaking by Cuomo.

On Wednesday, CNN’s Grand Poobah Jeff Zucker was fired over a secret adulterous affair he carried on with a subordinate but that everyone knew about (It’s Always an Open Secret in the Media). The relationship began 25 years ago but changed due to COVID (CNN’s Jeff Zucker Resigns After Revelations of an Inappropriate Workplace Relationship), or so we’re told without any real insight into what that might mean in terrestrial terms.

For reasons that are unclear to me, WarnerMedia dispatched its CEO Jason Kilar to try to smooth the ruffled feathers and unwind the twisted knickers of the collection of incompetents, misfits, perverts, and abject losers that CNN employs as its public face. In my view, WarnerMedia should have struck while the iron was hot and sent most of their “talent” to the unemployment line along with Zucker rather than paying their salaries listening to them snivel, but that’s just me. During this corporate-sponsored crying jag, Jake Tapper may have cut to the bottom line issue.