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Jake Tapper throws tantrum over Jeff Zucker resignation

It seems pretty obvious by now that the Jeff Zucker resignation from CNN yesterday goes deeper than just his consensual relationship with Allison Gollust a CNN communications director. Somewhere, behind the scenes, Fredo Chris Cuomo let someone out of the bag that he had on Zucker so he abruptly resigned. Now it turns out Zucker’s resignation has really triggered the left wing media hacks at CNN, like fake news Jake Tapper. Check out this exchange between Fake Jake Tapper and someone named Jason Kilar at the DC “News bureau” of CNN:

The complete and total meltdown of CNN and their losers like Fake Jake Tapper is so fun to watch. Karma is a bitch and now they are finally getting a taste of it. After all the fake news about Trump, the Russia hoax, the licking Biden’s ass and so forth, their ratings are at record lows and their entire organization is in meltdown.

CNN hacks like Tapper, Zucker, Don Lemon, etc are some of the most arrogant, pompous asses on the face of the earth. This goes beyond just ideology anymore. These arrogant slobs deserve all the problems that are heading their way.