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#BidenBorderCrisis by the numbers: 1,956,596 illegals apprehended in 2021

The media loves to ignore the Biden border crisis, as illegal immigrants continue to flood in by the thousands. Actually if you go by last year’s name, they are flooding in by the millions. A total of 1,956,596 illegals were apprehended in 2021. Here is a breakdown by month:

Feb: 101,099
March: 173,277
April: 178,795
May: 180,597
June: 189,034
July: 213,593
Aug: 209,840
Sept: 192,001
Oct: 164,776
Nov: 174,744
Dec: 178,840

This total doesn’t include January 2021 which was split between Trump and Biden, so it’s likely to actual total is well over 2 million illegal immigrants.

Wouldn’t it be great if Biden paid as much attention to our border with Mexico as he does to Ukraine’s border with Russia?