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Congressional Black Caucus seeks to ‘shame’ Sen. Manchin

I love it when communist Democrats eat each other. Looks like that’s what going to happen as the Congressional Black Caucus is seeking to “shame’ Senator Joe Manchin. Heh. That is going to be good.

The Congressional Black Caucus is taking aim at centrist Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., for not getting on board with lifting the filibuster to pass Democrats’ voting reform bills on a partisan basis, The Hill reported.

“We’re sending a clarion call and you can print this: Shame on you for not doing it,” Rep. Joyce Beatty, D-Ohio, the caucus chair, said in an open message to Manchin, who also kept the Senate from passing the $2 trillion Build Back Better Act solely with Democrats’ votes in December.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, sent a five-page letter to Manchin. He has not responded.

“I’ve given him enough time to respond — I will make it public now — and it only suggests if he should have the courage of West Virginia, that seceded from Virginia because they did not want to support slavery,” Lee told The Hill.