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MSNBC: Fox News Only Covering Theft Because They Hate Black People

I hate to break it to Chris Hayes and MSNBC, but all the recent looting, smash and grab robberies and other crimes aren’t only being committed by African-Americans. There are plenty of white leftists looking for free stuff and even some Hispanics. But don’t tell MSNBC that, since they think only blacks are responsible for the uptick in crimes. Retail theft isn’t limited to African Americans. Check the surveillance videos. There’s not one race committing the crimes. There is one ideology though.

Chris Hayes has a long history of making absurd and hateful claims on his nightly MSNBC show, but it appears there is no comment or bizarre conspiracy theory that’s too low for him. On Wednesday night’s edition of All In, Hayes spent an entire segment dismissing America’s rising crime rates, and questioned the motives of any network that dared to cover them.

During the second-to-last segment of the show when Hayes came back from a commercial break, he went into a diatribe in which he dismissed the fact that shoplifting in the United States had spiked in recent months. Hayes started off by whining about one of his favorite targets, Fox News and “right-wing media,” made the story a priority:

One of the big themes of right-wing media and indeed a lot of media — local news as well this year — has been the narrative that America is awash in crime. Now It’s not totally detached from some real statistics that are quite unnerving. Murders jumped by nearly 30 percent, the largest single-year increase in 2020, that’s last year. The evidence we have so far points to homicides continuing to rise in 2021. So that’s real. And really bad. (…) right-wing media is constantly peddling what is, I think a completely propagandistic story, specifically about out-of-control retail theft.