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CNN Jeremy Diamond triggered, meltdowns on Twitter over Let’s Go Brandon trolling

Things at CNN are really bad these days. They don’t have Trump around anymore to slander, Chris Cuomo clown show completely humiliated the propaganda network, Kyle Rittenhouse won his self defense case and pedophile producers are being exposed all over CNN. Now, some no name. hack reporter named Jeremy Diamond is having a temper tantrum on Twitter over Biden being trolled by Jared from Oregon. Funny, this is the same organization that smeared Trump and his entire family 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Yet now, Diamond is so sensitive over the NORAD trolling of Biden. Booo hoo. Want some cheese with your whine Jeremey?

Oh, I almost forgot about whacking boy Jeffrey Toobin….. Hey, don’t cry Jeremy Diamond! At least you got Chris Wallace for CNN streaming.. LOL!