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Manchin finally admits that Biden, his party have triggered inflation

Build back Better is dead, at least for the rest of 2021, and now Manchin is finally admitting his president and his party the communist Democrats have created a financial crisis with out of control inflation. Yea. umm no kidding. That’s why the not so infrastructure bill should never has passed.

During an interview with West Virginia MetroNews’ “Talkline with Hoppy Kercheval” on Monday, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) said that while we avoided a financial crisis, “we’re getting into it because they’re making more of a crisis on the individual person today because of the high cost of inflation.”

While explaining his opposition to the Build Back Better reconciliation bill, Manchin said, “[Y]ou heard me come out early and saying that I’m concerned about inflation, I’m concerned about COVID, I’m concerned about geopolitical unrest. This is three, four, five months ago. Guess what? Today, inflation’s the biggest threat I think we have right now. … No matter what we have done, we’ve sent out $5.4 trillion to try to help people to try to stave off a medical disaster, if you will, because of COVID when it first came. So, we’ve dodged that. We got a vaccine out earlier than anyone thought could happen. And then, on top of that, we dodged a financial crisis. But we’re getting into it because they’re making more of a crisis on the individual person today because of the high cost of inflation.”