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Biden White House hung up phone on Rick Scott when he asked about tortured Cuban activist

Joe Biden is scum, but you probably already knew that. Anyone who falls for the BS about him being “compassionate” needs to get their heads out of their asses and face reality.

Florida Senator Rick Scott wanted to talk to Joe Biden about the case of imprisoned Cuban human rights activist José Daniel Ferrer, a leader of the Cuban political opposition, who was being subjected to beatings and torture while in prison.

Scott called last week to talk to the president but was instructed instead to leave a voice mail. When he tried to get through again on Wednesday, the other end of the line went dead — presumably because the Biden aide hung up on him.

Hanging up on a United States senator is not the way to win friends and influence people in Washington. But the Biden team may be arrogant enough that they don’t care what any Republican thinks about being disrespected.