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Unfunny clown, Howard Stern on Chris Wallace’s move to CNN+ Who the hell is going to pay for CNN+?

Howard Stern has been an unfunny, wannabe comedians with a radio show for ever 30 years now. He think’s still relevant but really isn’t. What’s funny though he every once in a while gets it right. Like with CNN putting arrogant Fox cast off on CNN+, a new, premium streaming service starting in 2022. Forget Chris Wallace for a second. Who the hell is going to pay for CNN? People don’t even watch it for free now!

Stern said, “I always liked Chris Wallace on Fox News. I always thought he was a level-headed guy. … The guy actually pulled it off where you kind of go ‘OK.’ He is good in his own right, Chris Wallace. But I saw after all the years on Fox News — I used to watch him on Fox News and go, ‘How does he put up with this shit?’”

He continued, “I gotta tell you. I said, who the fuck? People don’t watch CNN. Who the hell is going to pay for CNN+? Are they out of their mind? CNN+, I mean what is that? … Regular CNN isn’t enough?”

Stern added, “Chris Wallace is going to that. Good luck being seen on that thing. I mean, I like Chris Wallace, but I’m not paying a monthly service fee. … He was on Fox News for 18 years. I’m sure they’re pissed because they were pretty loyal to him. They probably weren’t coming up with the dough re mi.”

Stern concluded, “I mean, they probably offered him some good money. I don’t know, maybe he said to himself, they just had Jeffrey Toobin jerking off on a zoom meeting, and they didn’t really fire him, so that’s probably a good place to work. You can jerk off on your zoom and not get fired.”