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Seriously, what if Kyle Rittenhouse was African-American?

One of the corrupt media’s talking points on the Rittenhouse verdict is what if Kyle Rittenhouse had been an African-American? Ok, let’s imagine for a second, that Kyle Rittenhouse was an African-American. If the same thing happened, and he shot three people attacking him, what would have happened? Redstate, a site that has really improved since doughboy Eric Erickson sold knows exactly what would have happened if Rittenhouse was African-American.

You know what would have happened? Those defending Kyle Rittenhouse would still have defended his right to self defense, and those, especially the media who have been smearing him would have done the same. They would have labeled Rittenhouse a “Black white supremacist”, Joy Reid would call him names “black face of white supremacy”, and so forth. In fact, if Kyle Rittenhouse were black, the media might have been even worse to him (hard to believe) than they were to the current Kyle Rittenhouse. Think about it.

But, it is still worth speculating as to how events would have proceeded had Rittenhouse been an African American in the same situation. It is not too hard to ascertain, given the predictability of the hard left and the state of America’s political discourse.

To put it simply, if Rittenhouse had been black, the reaction from the activist media and Democratic politicians would have been exactly the same. His race would have changed nothing. They would have cast him as a black white supremacist. CNN’s Don Lemon would be ranting about how even young black males can fall into white supremacy and commit dreadful acts against white progressives trying to attack them.

The New York Times would publish op-eds with headlines like “How Young Men of Color Can Be Seduced by White Supremacist Ideology.”

Black progressive tap dancers like MSNBC’s Joy Reid would probably label him a black face of white supremacist terror. Rashad Robinson, head of the NAACP, would issue a warning about the supposedly widespread problem of black men being radicalized by white supremacist content on Facebook.

The hard left would still be calling for him to be thrown under the jail. They would be telling all the same lies about Rittenhouse, even if he were black. In fact, they might act more aggressively against him because he would be a black male who killed white people who were pretending to care about the black community.

But let’s take this even further.

What would happen if Rittenhouse were a black person with Black Lives Matter who killed MAGA hat-wearing conservatives who attacked him? I think we know exactly what would happen, don’t we?

The hard left would put him up on a pedestal and sing his praises from the rooftops. They would build more statues of Kyle Rittenhouse than George Floyd. Millions of dollars would be sent for his legal funding to help him beat the case. CNN’s Don Lemon would gush about how “brave” he is.

In fact, this would happen even if Rittenhouse remained white and took the same actions. The black progressive elites would get all teary-eyed as they lavished acclaim on their new white savior.