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Hunter Biden told “the big guy” to have empathy for China at COP26

I guess Hunter Biden can add presidential adviser on the environment and all things related to China to his resume now.. Apparently the little drug addict told “The Big Guy” Joe Biden to have “empathy” for China at the COP26. Gotta keep those big bucks rolling in from communist China you know.

The U.S. and China struck a hollow agreement Wednesday on environmental “cooperation” at the COP26 summit, the same day President Biden revealed his Chinese business tycoon son advised him on how to approach the global climate conference — a symbolic display of the ways the president’s apparent corruption has tied his hands on what he claims are his top priorities.

The declaration would appear to be just a gesture, but the announcement is that China and the U.S. will “cooperate” to reduce methane emissions, phase out coal consumption by 2030, and protect forests.

The statement on the agreement says the two nations pledged “to work individually, jointly, and with other countries during this decisive decade, in accordance with different national circumstances, to strengthen and accelerate climate action and cooperation.”

Following a number of reports exposing in painful detail the President’s links to his son Hunter’s business engagements (in the Chinese energy industry!), it is impossible to assess any deal made in the Big Guy’s name with the CCP without considering his personal implications.

But this deal is unique, in that Biden revealed in remarks Wednesday that his scandal-scarred son actually provided advice on how to engage with the conference.

“I was being reminded by my son Hunter when I was trying to get the COP26 — what’s going on over in Europe on the environment — together, it makes a lot of difference. All empathy is looking at you and understanding what you’re worried about,” Biden said during remarks at the funeral of former Delaware Gov. Ruth Ann Minner.

And empathy — for China — is exactly how the U.S. approached the deal.