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Would a worthless RINO vote for the communist Democrat $3.5 socialism spending spree?

All the talk has been centered around two phony “moderate” Democrats, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. But let us not forget about the worthless RINO Republicans who could fill in for those two phony Democrats and give Biden the socialism he wants. While everyone’s eye is on the Democrats, make sure you pay very close attention to worthless “Republicans” like Mitt Romney, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and maybe some others like Ben sASSe or Chuck Grassley.

It’s all one big cocktail club in the Senate. They all act like they are against each other, but are BFFs and support each other in screwing the American people as long as they enrich themselves in the process.

What kind of payoff can Willard Mittens Romney or Susan Collins get from voting with the communists? What about Lisa Murkowski or creepy looking Bill Cassidy? They all vote reliably more with the communist Democrats than they do Republicans.

Make sure you pay very close attention to these crooks. They might give the Democrats an out in the Senate, allowing Kamala to cast the tie-breaking vote. Don’t put anything past these criminals They aren’t in the Senate to benefit their states. They are in the Senate to enrich themselves.