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Guess where COVID cases are spiking now? Martha’s Vineyard one week after Obama super-spreader party

Martha’s Vineyard isn’t a very densely populated area. In fact, the population is rather small compared to most cities. But Obama decided to have his super-spreader birthday party there last weekend with no one wearing masks, no word if all people in attendance had the vaccine and little attention paid by the media. Call it the Obama variant.

Martha’s Vineyard is experiencing a COVID-19 spike with 74 people testing positive for the virus after hundreds of people converged on the wealthy enclave to dance and party — maskless — at last Saturday’s bash celebrating President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday.

Health officials are pointing out it is still too early to know if the cases were related to the workers and guests who gathered for Obama’s weekend extravaganza, The Daily Mail reported in an exclusive Saturday.

“At this time we’re not aware of any cases connected to the Obama party,” Tisbury health agent and Boards of Health spokesperson Maura Valley told the news outlet. “It’s a little too early and the only way we’re going to know is through comprehensive contact tracing.”

Last Saturday, hundreds of guests flew in from around the country to party under tents on his estate in Edgartown, but in the nights before the celebration itself, Obama also met with friends Thursday at the Barn Bowl & Bistro and then Friday at the Winnetu Oceanside Resort.