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Watch: Gavin Newsom total meltdown interview – Quit your bitching about this state!

Gavin Newsom, the failed communist Democrat governor of California is in deep trouble for the September recall election, and now it’s starting to show. During an interview, Newsom whined to stop bitching about California and actually tried to mock the two best states in the union, Florida and Texas. The Newsom meltdown was quite the sight to watch. And you can watch below. The interview was with a San Diego Union Tribute hack reporter.

Seriously little Gavin? Quit your bitching? The state eis a complete dump, trash, drug needles and poop everywhere. Homeless shelters all over the place and that’s just the start of California’s problems. If you are really going to try and mock Florida and Texas, you really need to find something that California has that is better. Only thing I could possibly think of is maybe the weather. It sure as hell isn’t the quality of living.