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Biden still loves Cuomo, claims he did “a hell of a job” despite nursing home scandal

Joe Biden isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he’s remarks about Andrew Cuomo doing “a helluva job” during the height of the pandemic last year is beyond parody, even for slow Joe. Andrew Cuomo’s legacy will not be the sexual harassment scandals that forced his resignation, but instead the 15,000 or more senior citizens he killed by putting COVID-19 patients into the general population of the nation’s most vulnerable group to the China virus. How the hell this still gets glossed over is truly disgusting and it’s not even just the media or Democrats. Have you heard one damn Republican mention Cuomo’s nursing home scandal? NO ONE says a damn word.

If this is what Joe Biden considers a “helluva job”, then he is truly evil and as disgusting as he’s been portrayed as being. Believe it or not, I actually kind of liked Joe Biden back early i this century. But it turns out, he is a true scum of the earth and piece of shit.

How the hell can anyone defend Cuomo after what he did to those poor seniors in New York nursing homes? I just don’t get it.