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Subway franchise owners starting to realize Megan Rapinoe is hurting business (check out this note pinned on a Subway in Wisconsin)

No matter how you kick a soccer ball, Americans hate anti-American kneeler and choker Megan Rapinoe. Even though she has all these endorsements like from Subway, the people who used to like these places are starting to cancel them, and even pin notes on their windows like this:

In one spot, Rapinoe — who has been a vocal proponent of equal rights and equal pay for women — knocks a burrito out of a guy’s hands by kicking a soccer ball at him.

The response has been mixed, according to franchisees. Late last month on a discussion forum hosted by the North American Association of Subway Franchisees, a Wisconsin store operator posted a picture of a hand-scrawled note from an irate customer taped to the front door of his shop.

“Boycott Subway until Subway fires the anti-American … Megan Rapinoe, the creep who kneels for our beloved National Anthem!” the note read.

“The ad should be pulled and done with,” the franchisee wrote of the Rapinoe spot. “It gets tiring apologizing.”

Personally, I never liked Subway to begin with, all politics aside. Their subs always tasted like crap, even before “toasting” their bread and I sure am not in any urge to try them and see if they’ve improved. They likely haven’t and have probably gotten worse. It’s obvious that their marketing department is tone deaf.