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CNN Leana Wen life ‘needs to be hard’ for Americans who don’t get the vaccine

I don’t know, or care what an individual’s stance on the vaccine is. Some are cool with taking it, other’s have issues with taking it. Regardless of your position, I respect it knowing that different people make different decisions. I don’t belittle people based on their stance on person decisions like this. Yet, as the communist Democrats become more authoritarian, so too does the media. CNN Leana Wen who last week demanded Biden impose vaccine mandates. Now, the CNN communist is saying, out loud that life has to be made hard for those who refuse to take the vaccine. What the hell is this? Communist China?

CNN medical analysts are taking a hardline approach to COVID-19 vaccinations. The cable news contributors are calling for mandatory coronavirus vaccinations, and say that life “needs to be hard” for Americans who don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine.

“What really need to do at this point is to make vaccination the easy choice. It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated,” Leana Wen said during a Saturday appearance on CNN. “Right now, it’s kind of the opposite. It’s easy if you’re unvaccinated, you can do everything you want to do anyway.”

Wen, the former president of Planned Parenthood, said unvaccinated Americans should be subjected to more stringent restrictions.

“But at some point these mandates, by workplaces, by schools, I think it will be important to say, ‘Hey, you can opt out, but if you want to opt out, you have to sign these forms, you have to get twice weekly testing,'” Wen said. “Basically, we need to make getting vaccinated the easy choice.”

Last week, Wen called for President Joe Biden “to get behind vaccine requirements.”