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Kamala Harris to Biden on various rolls like border czar: “Maybe I don’t say no enough”

Looks like the friction between Kamala Harris and the Biden handlers are getting worse. Basically, I see Kamala Harris is nothing more than insurance against impeachment, the invoking the 25th amendment. Kamala Harris is so toxic, that NO ONE, not even a lot of Democrats would want her in charge of anything, let alone the country. Kamala Harris ran to BET for a softball interview, and was asked about how does she handle all the rolls Biden has given her that she has done absolutely nothing with. The BET softball asked her, isn’t it too much for one person?

Kamala Harris cackled and responded “Maybe I don’t say no enough”

One heartbeat away from the presidency. Oy.

Remember too, for awhile, she was actually seen as the nominee for Democrats for president. They she flamed out when people got to know her.

Can one person do all that realistically?’ O’Brien asked.

Harris responded by saying she multitasks and admits there’s a lot to get done.

Then she jokingly said, ‘Yeah, maybe I don’t say “no” enough,’ and then laughed.

‘But I do believe that these things are achievable. It’s just a lot of hard work, but that’s why we’re here and that’s what people wanted. Right?’ Harris said.

‘We will go into these positions that we will arrive in these positions, and we will work hard and get things done. And that’s what motivates me, truly.’