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The Kamala disaster gets worse, more staff leaks call office sh*tshow

Lots of people assumed that Joe Biden wouldn’t last a full four years in office and Kamala Harris would be taking over at some point. This is due to Biden’s declining mental and physical state. Joe Biden is a complete and utter embarrassment, but Kamala Harris is apparently even worse than Joey. No matter how much the media fawns over Kamala, her staffers continue to expose her, and leak even more about her miserable work environment. One staffer is even calling Kamala Harris a “sh*tshow!”.

There is virtually no chance Joey Biden runs again in 2024, so Kamala would be the Democrat communist front runner. She is a complete disaster and at this point would hand the presidency to a Republican on a silver platter.

Vice President Kamala Harris’s history of “mistreatment of employees and dissent” before entering the White House is spilling over Friday, as infighting and sabotage are impacting the office of the Vice President.

“As the wheels came off the then-California senator’s primary run,” the New York Post wrote, “stories of mistreatment of employees and dissent in the ranks began bubbling up before eventually spilling into public view.”

During Harris’s Democrat primary run, the Harris campaign’s state operations director Kelly Mehlenbacher resigned and wrote a letter containing “a blistering account of mismanagement that had culminated in major staff layoffs days earlier” in 2019.

“This is my third presidential campaign,” wrote Mehlenbacher, “and I have never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly.”

“With less than 90 days until Iowa we still do not have a real plan to win,” Mehlenbacher added.

Mehlenbacher’s comments are coming back to haunt the White House, as Biden’s senior adviser Cedric Richmond acknowledged to the Hill Friday the infighting is real.

“It’s a whisper campaign designed to sabotage her [Harris],” Richmond admitted.

“Let’s be real for a second: Kamala needed someone who is a task-master,” one strategist close to Harris also told the Hill. “One of the knocks on Harris and her universe is that they’ve always been undisciplined so it’s not surprising that they brought in someone who is a task-master, someone who could create a standard and isn’t afraid to tell the boss what’s up.”

Harris’s aides are also panicking Friday that she is “fucking up” and perhaps “shouldn’t be the heir apparent” for 2024’s presidential race because she “could not defeat whomever the Republican Party puts up.”