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Fauci doesn’t want you to be “accusatory” towards China on COVID-19

China stooge Fauci is very clear about one thing. He doesn’t want you to blame China for anything about COVID-19. They are still interviewing this corrupt little worm on his fanboy networks like MSNBC and CNN, so Fauci made it a point to tell Americans, don’t you dare be “accusatory” towards China on COVID-19! China owns this little weasel, just like the rest of the Democrat party (and some Republicans). Fuck China, Fuck Fauci!

Dr. Anthony Fauci has warned the United States to not accuse China for the global pandemic that cost the country $13 trillion and more than 595,000 deaths.

“I mean, obviously, you want openness and cooperation,” he said on MSNBC Thursday about understanding where the virus originated. “One of the ways you can get it is don’t be accusatory.”

“I think the accusatory part about it is only going to get them to pull back even more,” he doubled down.