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Fauci’s book Expect the Unexpected pulled from Amazon, Barnes & Noble

The little weasel Fauci’s book “Expect the Unexpected” was set for release on November 2nd of this year. It was listed already on Amazon and Barnes and Noble where idiots could pre-order it before it’s release in November. Now, suddenly, after the e-mail revelations about crooked little weasel Fauci came out today, the books have disappeared from both sites. I wonder if the idiots who pre-ordered this pile of propaganda got their money back yet? The entire Fauci house of cards is coming crumbling down, just like Andrew Cuomo. But this one isn’t limited to just one state. This is now a nationwide scandal that Fauci is roped into.

Here’s what it looked like on Amazon earlier today:

I wonder this little weasel frog marched out of the NIH and straight to jail!