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Andrew Cuomo tells NYers to remember “essential workers” for Memorial Day

Apparently disgraced New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is trying to group “essential workers” in with those who lost their lives on the battlefields protecting this country for Memorial Day. I have no problem with recognizing essential workers and for all they did during the peak of the China virus. But grouping them in with veterans who lost their lives protecting this country from foreign enemies? Cuomo has found a new level of putridness.

I wonder if CNN’s Fredo Cuomo advised his brother about doing this too? The Cuomo Crime Family is the scum of the earth, and I’m holding back.

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has received an earful of anger for using Memorial Day weekend to remember “essential workers” who died of COVID-19.

Cuomo’s order issued last week directed flags on state government buildings to fly at half-staff and state landmarks to be lit red, white, and blue on Sunday “to honor the essential workers who lost their lives due to COVID-19. Flags will remain at half-staff until noon and landmarks will remain lit on Monday, May 31, for Memorial Day in honor of the service members who lost their lives fighting to defend our country.”

The governor noted during a press conference that “we remember those who gave their lives on Memorial Day. Gave their lives for this country. Fought for freedom because freedom isn’t free. I also think we should remember this past year, on Memorial Day, remember the 42,000 New Yorkers who died. 42,000. Remember the 1,000 essential workers who died giving their life. Giving their life.”

Rockland County Executive Ed Day — a former first responder — told News 12 The Bronx that the county wouldn’t take part in the Sunday directive, calling the decision a “sickening effort to co-opt the true meaning of Memorial Day.”

Others had similar reactions.

Gold Star wife Michelle Garcia — who lost her husband Justin in Iraq in 2006 when she was six months pregnant with their son — told the station she was outraged by Cuomo’s directive and wrote him a letter asking him to reconsider.

“We have Memorial Day to honor our fallen, and we have Veteran’s Day to honor our veterans,” Garcia told News 12. “Our essential workers do deserve that, but our fallen heroes deserve this weekend and Memorial Day to be about them.”