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Bellevue Idaho Deputy Marshal Nate Silvester fired for “his failure to follow clearly laid out and well established policy.”

Officer Nate Silvester of Bellevue, Idaho has officially been fired by the corrupt Bellevue Idaho Marshal.. This is all of course because Silvester exposed, owned and destroy LeFlop James weeks ago in a funny video. Apparently Bellevue is just too anti police to Nate Silvester to remain on the force. This is what the Facebook page of Bellevue Idaho claimed was the reason for firing Silvester. Bellevue is located in Blaine County. That county voted 67% to 30% for Biden in the last election. That explains why they are treating Officer Silvester this way.

During the week of May 20th, while on shift Deputy Marshal Silvester violated several clearly established City of Bellevue and State of Idaho Policing policies. After his previous policy violations Deputy Marshal Silvester was placed on probation and was on, what is called, a “last chance agreement” with his superior officers. Because of his continued policy violations, the Marshal has terminated Mr. Sylvester effective May 27th, 2021.
The policy violations have nothing to do with the tone or the tenor of his speech that he posts online. He was not terminated for the content of his speech; he was terminated for his failure to follow clearly laid out and well established policy.
The decision was solely made by the command structure within the Bellevue Marshals office and was not influenced in any way by me or by the City Council. We were informed of the decision, and as in the previous incident, left the final decision making to the Marshal and Deputy Marshal. The City Council and I respect the way the Marshal runs her department, and we are supportive of the decision that was made in regards to consequences for not following policy.
We wish Mr. Silvester the best, and we ask for calm and understanding.
Mayor Burns