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LOL! Ocasio-Cortez being advised to get restraining order against Marjorie Taylor Greene

The mentally unstable communist Democrats are now suggesting to mentally unstable Sandy Ocasio-Cortez to get a restraining order against the big, bad Marjorie Taylor Greene. Oh and RINO neocon Kinzinger wants Greene kicked out of the GOP conference too.

For Ocasio-Cortez — who was previously harassed by Greene in 2019 — top Democrats have discussed whether it’s possible for Ocasio-Cortez to seek a restraining order against Greene, including whether she had the legal standing to do so, according to multiple Democratic sources. Pelosi and other top Democrats have also called for an ethics investigation both publicly and privately, though the House Ethics Committee has not disclosed the existence of any such probe.

Democrats also acknowledge that punishing Greene is a complex issue: They want to hold her accountable without simply emboldening her public stunts — and her fundraising. Top Democrats have not ruled out a vote on a measure such as a censure, though the House will not be back in session until mid-June.

Asked about Greene’s latest remarks comparing the mask mandate to the Holocaust, Pelosi called the comments “beyond reprehensible” and said “it has no place in our country.”