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Meet Emily Wilder – Associated Press anti-Semite

Emily Wilder a so called “news associate” of the anti-Semitic Associated Press has been revealed as yet another anti-Semite at the so called news organization that was shacking up with Hamas terrorists in the same building before Israel destroyed in Gaza over the weekend. Yes, the Associated Press is loaded with anti-Semites. Remember when it was revealed just a few days ago about Mosa’ab Elshamy a Moroccan based Associated Press photojournalist had to delete anti-Semitic tweets?

Emily Wilder is just the latest in a long of so called “journalists” discovered to be anti-Semitic. It’s also not just limited to the Associated Press either. They are all over, especially at places like CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS and so on.

Amid The Associated Press denying knowing it operated a news bureau in the same building as Hamas terrorists, the outlet recently hired an AP news associate that has participated heavily in the anti-Israel movement.

Emily Wilder, a former Arizona Republic reporter and graduate of Stanford University, tweeted that she accepted a position with the AP in April. The Twitter post was dug up by the Stanford College Republicans, a group that frequently probes into former and current student political activities. Wilder’s Twitter account has since been switched to private mode.

This raises additional questions about the AP’s reporting on the Israel and Hamas conflict. News broke that the AP shared a since-demolished building in Gaza with Hamas. The radical group maintained a level of operations in the building. An Islamic Jihad office was also in the building. Journalist Noah Pollack claims to have spoken with Israel Defense Forces personnel who say AP reporters had knowledge of the shared environment.