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Bitter Cindy McCain runs to CNN to cry about Maricopa Arizona vote audit

Poor, old, bitter Cindy McCain is whining again. There has been a virtual media blackout on the vote audit going on in Maricopa County, Arizona. It’s been going on for the last week, yet there has been little to no coverage at all about it. Today, CNN brought on Cindy McCain to whine about the vote audit in Maricopa County. McCain is still bitter, spiteful and full of hate. She whined to fake Jake Tapper about the Arizona audit like a typical communist crybaby that she and that entire family really are.

Poor old dried up Cindy McCain…. No one likes here despite her millions and millions of dollars from her family’s beer company. Cindy McCain’s likablilty is about as high as her piglet kid Meghan McCain. No one likes you, no one wants to hear from you (other than CNN and the couple dozen who actually watch). The McCain, like the Clinton Crime Family and the Bush Crime Family need to just fade away already.

At least it finally got the media to at least mention the Maricopa County vote audit (Finally).

Also in that interview, the neocon Cindy McCain praised slow Joe Biden on Afghanistan.