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Tim Scott destroys weak, frail Biden communist socialist speech, America is NOT racist

Mush mouth Joe Biden gaffed through his address to a joint session of congress, basically a state of the union address for a new president. In this case, it was mush mouth Joe Biden. I don’t know if Hunter was outside selling packets of parmesan cheese or not. The speech as expected was dull, lifeless, and basically socialist-communist speech in the mold of a Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro. It branded America as a racist country, called for defunding the police and more open borders BS despite the COVID virus. Tim Scott delivered the response to sleepy Joe Biden’s struggled speech and Scott crushed, absolutely destroying Biden and the communist Democrats.

Tim Scott, unlike Little Marco Rubio didn’t flop. He knocked it out of the park.

As you would expect, the communist left is calling Tim Scott racist, N-word, token and the typical left wing hate speech to bash him for being a Republican.