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Biden bashes Texas for allowing Rangers baseball game to have full attendance

With boring baseball starting another season today, the Texas Ranges are apparently the only team that will have 100% in person attendance at games. Their team, their decision. But this pisses off Comrade Biden as he bashed Texas for allowing people to go to a boring baseball game. Hey Comrade Joey. Fuck off!

During an interview with ESPN’s Sage Steele on Wednesday, President Joe Biden pushed the need for people to be socially distanced and wear masks ahead of many baseball parks opening their stadiums, specifically calling out the Texas Rangers for opening at full capacity.

ESPN reported, “The Rangers’ Globe Life Field, which can seat 40,300 people, is the only Major League Baseball stadium that will allow 100% crowd capacity on its Opening Day.”

Regarding the Texas Rangers’ choice, Biden said, “Well, that’s a decision they made. I think it’s a mistake,” Biden said. “They should listen to Dr. [Anthony] Fauci, the scientists, and the experts. But I think it’s not responsible.”

Biden was asked about what advice he would give to players who are unsure about getting vaccinated for COVID-19. Biden answered, “I would say I’m President of the United States and I got vaccinated. I don’t have an unimportant job. Would I take the vaccine if I thought it was going to hurt me? We have done incredible research on the vaccines and they have shown that they work. We have to get to the point where enough people have taken the vaccine so we diminish the possibility for it to spread.”