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Slimy Cuomo may have joined effort To discredit Lindsey Boylan

So not only is Cuomo responsible for the deaths of at least 15,000 senior citizens in New York nursing homes AND a serial sexual harasser, apparently he also tried to discredit Lindsey Boylan, the first publicly known sexual harassment victim of Cuomo. Surprised? You shouldn’t be.

A new report alleges that aides to New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo created a letter attacking the credibility of the first woman to publicly accuse him of sexual harassment, even going so far as attempting to link her to former President Trump, and that Cuomo himself may have been part of the effort, which was designed to get former staff members to sign on to the letter.

The letter was reportedly circulated only days after Lindsey Boylan went public on Twitter with her accusations against Cuomo.

The New York Times, which examined the letter attacking Boylan’s credibility, reported that it stated, “Weaponizing a claim of sexual harassment for personal political gain or to achieve notoriety cannot be tolerated. False claims demean the veracity of credible claims.”

“The initial idea, according to three people with direct knowledge of the events, was to have former Cuomo aides — especially women — sign their names to the letter and circulate it fairly widely,” the Times reported, adding, “Multiple drafts were created, and Mr. Cuomo was involved in creating the letter, one of the people said.”