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Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick lies in honor at Capitol

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick (three weeks later), was finally laying in honor at the Capitol, before the send-off ceremony outside the steps of the Capitol before his remains are transported to Arlington National Ceremony, where they will be interred. Sicknick was just 42 years old. He was killed, (he died a day later) after the terrorist attack on the Capitol on January 6th that consisted of mostly Q Anon and AntiFA radicals and loons.

Officer Brian Sicknick was a great man, just doing his job. The killer still hasn’t been indetified and communist Democrats used his remains today as a sort of political prop which is disgusting. All summer long we heard about how mean, nasty and racist police are from these same communist Democrat politicians. Now all of a sudden these same communists are being respectful.

Regardless of who killed Officer Sicknick, the violence must stop. There has been one violent “right wing” protest (mostly by Q Anon) on January 6th. All summer long we had over 250 violent riots, protests and looting by the left, several people died and Democrats didn’t care. Riots are still going on almost night in Portland in Seattle today. This crap must stop!

RIP Capitol Officer Brian Sicknick

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick lies in honor at Capitol
Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick lies in honor at Capitol

Brian Sicknick, the slain U.S. Capitol Police officer who was given the rare distinction of lying in honor in the Capitol Rotunda, received a final tribute from lawmakers Wednesday. President Biden and first lady Jill Biden joined Sicknick’s family members and colleagues from the Capitol Police in a period of visitation on Tuesday night.

Sicknick, 42, died from injuries he sustained fending off members of the mob that breached the Capitol complex on Jan. 6.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer delivered remarks at a ceremony Wednesday morning, praising him as a “patriot” and someone who possessed “profound inner strength.”

“It is my official and sad honor to welcome Officer Brian Sicknick and many who loved, respected and were protected by him to the United States Capitol Rotunda for a recognition of his life,” Pelosi said.