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Chris Stirewalt (Fired Fox News NeverTrump toad) whines in op-ed for L.A. Times

The tears of Chris Stirewalt are so salty, yet so delicious. You can watch his pouty after his firing from Fox News is just delightful. face Firing fat, bloated NeverTrump scum Chris Stirewalt wouldn’t get me back to watching Fox News. A lot more have to be purged from that network like Juan Williams, Donna Brazile, Marie Harf, Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum among others have to be kicked to the curb to. But watch fat, bloated Stirewalt whine is deliciously funny, especially in an op-ed for communist left wing paper the Los Angeles Times. Apparently, Stirewalt is a hero on the left now, and it was his decision to call Arizona early on election night.

Chris Stirewalt (Fired Fox News NeverTrump toad) whines in op-ed for L.A. Times
Chris Stirewalt (Fired Fox News NeverTrump toad) whines in op-ed for L.A. Times

Not only did Stirewalt whine to the L.A. Times, he even went on MSNBC to cry like the fat little bitch he is.

Rot Stirewalt, Rot Fox News.