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Don Lemon of CNN: if you voted for Trump you are KKK or something

Apparently, you are a Democrat if you voted for Trump, according to CNN and hack Don Lemon. Getting a bit arrogant now that Fox News has completely collapsed, Don Lemon is calling anyone who voted for Trump a Klan member. That’s odd. The KKK was and will always be a Democrat organization. The Democrat Senate leader in the 1980s was a KKK Grand Wizard. So that means only Democrats voted for Trump?

Don Lemon of CNN: if you voted for Trump you are KKK or something
Don Lemon of CNN: if you voted for Trump you are KKK or something

To the idiots like Don Lemon at CNN, don’t get too arrogant just because Fox is collapsing. Once Biden is installed, your ratings will slip back down to under a million viewers per show and your ratings will still be the laughing stock of the world.

At this point, all the insults from these arrogant left wing communist hacks is just gravy. Doesn’t piss me off anymore. It just makes me laugh at how pathetic these egomaniacs are.