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Whoa! Lin Wood accused SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts of adopting two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein

SCOTUS Chief Justice is scum, total scum, but if what Lin Wood is accusing him now is true, he needs to be expelled from the Supreme Court, investigated and jailed. Again, if this this true. Wood claims that Robert adopted two young children Wales, and did so with the help of none other than Jeffrey Epstein, the pedophile. Someone named John Roberts appears on the Epstein Island flight logs from earlier in the 2000’s, it’s unknown if its the Chief Justice.

Epstein didn’t kill himself.

Whoa! Lin Wood accused SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts of adopting two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein
Whoa! Lin Wood accused SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts of adopting two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein

At the very minimum, Roberts a globalist, Bushie scum who reportedly refused to take the Texas voter fraud lawsuit case because he was afraid of Black Lives Matter and AntiFA starting riots or something. Let’s see if anything develops with this. If there is any truth to these accusations by Lin Wood, then I have full confidence that he will find the proof.