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Dead fish Rahm Emanuel being considered as broken foot Biden faux Department of Transportation secretary or US Trade Rep

More and more, the media’s desire for a faux Biden regime with Kamala Harris running the show, the more and more it looks like a repeat of the Obama reign of terror. Far left failed former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel is being considered by Biden and Kamala to either be Department of Transportation Secretary or US Trade rep. It’s like recycling hacks around and around. John Kerry, Jen Psaki, Rahm Emanuel. It never ends. Who’s next? Hillary Clinton? Even funnier, the AOC Squat Squad is really trigger over Emanuel being considered. You know, the communist left doesn’t like Jews very much.

Dead fish Rahm Emanuel being considered as broken foot Biden faux Department of Transportation secretary or US Trade Rep
Dead fish Rahm Emanuel being considered as broken foot Biden faux Department of Transportation secretary or US Trade Rep