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Crooked-Sick Joe Biden falls down, has hairline fracture in foot

Dumb criminal Joe Biden fell down and has a hairline fracture in his foot. The excuse being given by the propaganda media is that he was playing with his dogs and fell down or something. Yea, because all the dog owners I know always fall and get hairline fractures in their foot when playing with their dogs too. Don’t blame the dogs, Biden isn’t cognitively fit to server even as a waiter.

Crooked-Clumsy Joe Biden falls down, has hairline fracture in foot
Crooked-Clumsy Joe Biden falls down, has hairline fracture in foot

If Biden and Kamala are allowed to steal this election, Biden wouldn’t last six months in the White House before they push him out for Communist Kamala. This also wouldn’t be the last time Biden “falls” while “playing with his dogs”.