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Ilhan Omar: Republicans would lose their mind of Muslim woman nominated to SCOTUS

Actually, you brother marrying, corrupt, tax cheat, Republicans would be totally fine with a Muslim woman (or man) nominated to the Supreme Court. There wouldn’t be any questions about that person’s religious “dogma” from bigoted Senators like ChiFi Feinstein. Imagine for a second if Trump in his second term nominated a Muslim, but American originalist to the Supreme Court (man or woman). The Democrats would melt down worse than they did over Kavanaugh and now ACB. I’m sure Republicans would have no problems with a Muslim Supreme Court justice.

Ilhan Omar: Republicans would lose their mind of Musilm woman nominated to SCOTUS
Ilhan Omar: Republicans would lose their mind of Musilm woman nominated to SCOTUS

If a Muslim judge were in fact nominated to the Supreme Court, it would just be some people nominating someone. That’s all. There’s no religious test for SCOTUS justices, but Democrats would love o ban Catholics from the Supreme Court.