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Hot Air (one time conservative blog owned by Michelle Malkin) now calling Coney-Barrett COVID Amy

You don’t have to go to only left wing filth places to find mocking of Trump with COVID-19 or those associated with him. Amy Coney-Barrett is now in the crosshairs of attacks by NeverTrumpers and Democrat. For instance, over at Hot Air, a site that calls themselves a “conservative” site and a writer called “AllahPundit” is mocking Coney-Barrett as COVID Amy. This was one of several sites once owned by Michelle Malkin then sold off.

Hot Air (one time conservative blog owned by Michelle Malkin) now calling Coney-Barrett COVID Amy
Hot Air (one time conservative blog owned by Michelle Malkin) now calling Coney-Barrett COVID Amy

This crap site Hot air, and “AllahPundit” title the article/hit piece: “Was The Announcement Of Barrett’s Nomination A Superspreader Event?”