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Faux News hack Harris Faulkner tells Newt Gingrich they don’t censor anti-Soros talk (yea right)

Faux News anti-Trump hack Harris Faulkner and the rest of the Paul Ryan Fox Bush goons got caught trying to censor Newt Gingrich when he mentioned that George Soros is funding many of the radical left communists who keep releasing antifa terrorists back on to the street. Even Melissa Francis, who is generally pretty good agreed with none other than Marie Harf and Barf that we they don’t want to talk about Soros, then Gingrich was cut off.

Faux News hack Harris Faulkner tells Newt Gingrich they don’t censor anti-Soros talk (yea right)
Faux News hack Harris Faulkner tells Newt Gingrich they don't censor anti-Soros talk (yea right)

Apparently there has been a lot of backlash was so bad, Faux sent out Faulkner to try and explain to a her viewers that “they don’t censor on this show”, which of course is a load of horse sh*t.

Sorry Harris, Sorry Faux. The mask has slipped off. You are either trying to emulate CNN, being paid off by Soros or both. You are history.