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Christine Comello arrested, charged with setting fires in Washington THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED

Christine Comello another left wing lunatic has been arrested in Washington state, accused of setting fires there, once again proving the since about the science of the wild fires in the western US is settled! Once again, it’s not global warming like communist Democrats and their lackeys in the media want you to believe. The fires were set on purpose by radical leftists. These fires are not from global warming.

There have now been four arrests in three different states of thugs who are accused of purposely setting fires. This isn’t global warming, this is left wing extremist violence, arson and murder.

Christine Comello arrested, charged with setting fires in Washington THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED
Christine Comello arrested, charged with setting fires in Washington THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED

A woman is behind bars after she is suspected of starting fires in east Spokane on Monday.

According to Spokane Police, Officer Mohondro arrived on scene he saw some grass and a pallet on fire outside of a commercial business. SPD said there were no power lines around and there did not seem to be a reason for the start of the fire unless it was human caused.

The same officer spotted another fire a few blocks away.

SPD said the fire was next to an old oil drum under a tree which gave the fire the potential to explode into something much larger was very high. The Spokane Fire Department responded and put that fire out.

Officer Mohondro asked for more units to respond to the area to look for a suspect.

Police detained 36-year-old Christine Comello.

Comello lied about her name to police but it was later discovered she had a warrant for her arrest.

According to SPD, witnesses later identified Comello as the arson suspect.