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Bloomberg News will not investigate Democrat socialist candidates

Must be nice to own your own propaganda network like Michael Bloomberg does. He’s obviously too arrogant to realize that he has no chance in hell of even winning the Democrat nomination or getting a running mate pick. Yet his already left wing biased “news” channel will investigate Trump and promises to not investigate any of the corrupt socialist Democrats running for the nomination. Isn’t this borderline illegal? No wonder little fascist Bloomberg acts as a soda Nazi.

Bloomberg News will not investigate Democrat socialist candidates
Bloomberg News will not investigate Democrat socialist candidates

Bloomberg News won’t conduct investigative reporting on any of the Democratic presidential candidates, the outlet’s editor-in-chief announced Sunday.

The announcement followed Michael Bloomberg’s official campaign launch Sunday. “We will continue our tradition of not investigating Mike (and his family and his foundation) and we will extend the same policy to his rivals in the Democratic primaries,” editor-in-chief John Micklethwait wrote in a note to staffers.

“If other credible journalistic institutions publish investigative work on Mike or the other Democratic candidates, we will either publish those articles in full, or summarize them for our readers — and we will not hide them.”