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Navy Secretary Richard Spencer fired after treatment of Eddie Gallagher

Now former Navy Secretary Richard Spencer (not to be confused with the Democrat plant white supremacist) has finally been fired after the crap he pulled with Eddie Gallagher. Spencer was another Obama holdover who served on the Defense Business Board, a Pentagon advisory panel, from 2009 to 2015 and on the Chief of Naval Operations Executive Panel.

Navy Secretary Richard Spencer fired after treatment of Eddie Gallagher
Navy Secretary Richard Spencer fired after treatment of Eddie Gallagher

Goodbye and good riddance you piece of trash Spencer.

Navy Secretary Richard Spencer is out after a dustup with President Donald Trump over the status of embattled Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher.

Spencer was terminated Sunday by Defense Secretary Mark Esper after he and the president had publicly disagreed over whether or not Gallagher should face disciplinary action from the Navy — and the potential loss of his Trident — following Gallagher’s court martial.

Trump tweeted the news Sunday afternoon, saying that he was “not pleased” with the way the Navy had handled Gallagher’s case and that was why he had acted to restore his rank.