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Deep throat Kamala Harris going all-in for Iowa

Deep throat Kamala Harris is going All-in in the Iowa. She’s closing three campaign offices in New Hampshire and devoting everything to Iowa. Kamala Harris is polling in the single digits in every state, including Iowa and even her own home state of California. She’s toast unless she does a lot of “Favors” for male socialist in Iowa.

Deep throat Kamala Harris going all-in for Iowa
Deep throat Kamala Harris going all-in for Iowa

Sen. Kamala Harris’s (D-CA) campaign is laying off campaign staff and closing three offices in New Hampshire, a crucial early primary state, as part of its effort to go “all-in on Iowa,” according to reports.
Harris’s campaign will no longer have a heavy presence in New Hampshire, reportedly laying off campaign staff and closing offices in Nashua, Portsmouth, and Keene, in order to focus entirely on Iowa. While Harris’s office in Manchester will remain open, WMUR confirmed that it will be “scaled down.”

“The campaign will continue to have a staff presence in New Hampshire but the focus is and will continue to be on Iowa,” Evans continued.

“Sen. Harris will not visit New Hampshire on Nov. 6 and 7, but her name will still be placed on the primary ballot,” he confirmed.

A reporter overheard Harris telling a colleague that she was “f*cking moving to Iowa” in September– a flub that her campaign glommed onto.

Despite beefing up resources and appearances in the Hawkeye State – even helping families prepare Sunday meals as part of her “I feel your pain” tour, Harris is floundering in recent Iowa polls.