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Tom Arnold exposes his double dose of racism against Diamond and Silk – Twitter doesn’t ban

Funny. When Roseanne Barr made a “quote” racist statement against Valerie Jarrett, the media had a meltdown. The leftists who produce the show threatened to quit and she was eventually written off the show. The show continued under a different name with sagging ratings. Now Tom Arnold, her former gold digging husband and racist left wing extremist is spewing racism at Diamond and Silk on Twitter. Does Twitter take any action for not just one, but two acts of racism by Arnold against Diamond and Silk? Of course not. Jackass Dorsey thinks left wing racism (which is 90% of the racism in this country) is fine.

Tom Arnold exposes his double dose of racism against Diamond and Silk – Twitter doesn’t ban
Tom Arnold exposes his double dose of racism against Diamond and Silk - Twitter doesn't ban

You probably didn’t hear about it in the media, probably not even on the leftward headed Fox News, but this is who Tom Arnold really is.

First Arnold breaks out into coded language:

Then after getting called out for his obvious racism he tells Diamond and Silk to go eat some fried chicken at Popeye’s and eat “dark meat.”

I’m sure Tom Arnold’s racism will be just dismissed as “comedy.”