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Kamala Harris: voters are too racist and sexist to vote for me

Kamala Harris’ campaign is almost over. She’s cratered in the polls, isn’t raise much money and has no one she could sleep with to get her to the “top of the polls.” Kamala Harris knows why she’s losing too. It’s all because you deplorable Americans are too racist and sexist to vote for a woman of color or something.

Kamala Harris: voters are too racist and sexist to vote for me
Kamala Harris: voters are too racist and sexist to vote for me

Harris said, “Taking about what I describe and believe to be the elephant in the room about my campaign.”

When asked what that is, Harris said, “Electability. Electability. Essentially is American ready for a woman and a woman of color to be president of the United States?”

She added, “There is a lack of ability or a difficulty in imagining that someone who we have never seen can do a job that has been done, you know, forty-five times by someone who is not that person.”