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Mitt Happens? Anthony Scaramucci is trying to sell Romney 2020 t-shirts and it’s LOL!

For the guy who last a whopping ten days as communications director, Anthony Scaramucci still can’t get enough of himself. He’s now trying to pimp Romney 2020 t-shirts. One of the shirts “Mitt Happens” is a perfect comparison to Willard Mittens Romney. Mitt = Shit basically. Scaramucci is apparently trigger than the Where’s Hunter t-shirts being sold by Trump are doing so well. Somehow, I doubt anything Romney related will do much of anything for the Mooch.

Mitt Happens? Anthony Scaramucci is trying to sell Romney 2020 t-shirts and it’s LOL!
Mitt Happens? Anthony Scaramucci is trying to sell Romney 2020 t-shirts and it's LOL!

Instead of the poop emoji, the Mooch is using a happy face. Like it matters.