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CNN forces Fredo Cuomo to apologize because of pronouns

If you watched the joke of a CNN town hall last night (and judging by their ratings, you probably didn’t), you may have noticed that Kamala Harris announced her “pronouns” as she her and her’s. I don’t understand the point of using pronouns, but apparently it’s all the rage with left wing socialists these days. Kamala Harris who achieved political power in California by sleeping her way to the top is obvious a “she” or a “her”. Clown Fredo Chris Cuomo decided to play jester and after Harris announced her pronouns said that she her and her’s were his pronouns too. Apparently that irked the hacks at CNN forcing Fredo to apologize on Twitter.

CNN forces Fredo Cuomo to apologize because of pronouns
CNN forces Fredo Cuomo to apologize because of pronouns

This is CNN and basically what the media has devolved into.