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The main clown show event: Biden Vs Sanders Vs. Harris

Last night’s kiddie table Democrat socialist debate debacle not only was a disaster for Democrats as the socialists showed their true selves wanting to kick everyone off their private insurance plans, but also a made NBC a joke with their various technical problems and blank screens. Tonight’s debate, much like yesterday’s will likely be an even bigger train wreck when you consider who the main participants are:

The main clown show event: Biden Vs Sanders Vs. Harris
The main clown show event: Biden Vs Sanders Vs. Harris

Joe Biden: Pedophile and woman groper who told a 13 year old kid how horny she made him. HIm and his son have corrupt business dealins with China and Ukraine.
Bernie Sanders: Communist, corrupt, who owns three houses.
Kamala Harris: She slept her way to the top of the politics chain in California, but she wouldn’t’ be able to sleep her way through the debate.
Pete Buttigieg: The one time media darling only because he is gay, deemed the “first family” by Time Magazine. Problems in South Bend have crushed his chances.
Eric Swalwell: THreatened to nuke gun owners and is polling at 0 percent.
Kirsten Gillibrand: another flip-flopping Democrat who loves rapists like Bill Clinton but claims to be for women’s rights.
John Lickapooper: Former governor of Colorado currently polling between 9-1%.
Andrew Yang; maybe the least crazy of all the candidates tonight
Marianne Williamson: another idiot, Oprah Winfrey’s “Spiritual adviser” who has no business being included in any debate.
Michael Bennett: pothead from Colorado who is between 0-1% in polling and has no right to being on debate stage. Not a serious candidate.

The big question tonight is will any of these socialist/communist Democrats have the guts go after crooked Joe Biden? There were some, ,imited fireworks last night. Tonight is make or break for some candidates, so if they don’t go after Biden they are basically done.