Once again, the anti-Semitism of the Democrat party is on full display. John Ducey, a far left Democrat mayor of Brick, New Jersey told a Twitter user to call the cops on “Jewish invaders” who the Twitter user claimed were “invading” New Jersey parks and beaches. The Twitter user who’s handle was @simms10471 has since deleted his or her Twitter account hoping no one would ever be able to trace the original tweet back. Too bad for that anti-Semite liberal the Internet is forever.
The original tweet from @simms10471 read:
@simms10471 Tuesday night asking: “Can we please do something about our parks and beaches. They are being invaded by the hasidic and orthodox jews and being ruined.”
to which Ducey responded:
Our parks security has started already. Just call police with any problems and they will send them out.
— Mayor Ducey (@MayorDucey) April 23, 2019
anti-Semitic New Jersey Democrat mayor tell twitter user to call cops on ‘Jewish Invaders’ |
Wait, Ducey the Democrats his security has already begun removing the “Jewish invaders”? That’s what New Jersey tax payers are funding? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. New Jersey is a far left socialist Nazi state anyway.
Again, because Ducey is a far left Democrat, no national news seems interested on reporting on this blatant anti-Semitic. I’m sure Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are smiling tonight though.