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Movita Johnson-Harrell – Pennsylvania Muslim Democrat Rep. offended over prayer to Jesus Christ session

Movita Johnson-Harrell, Pennsylvania female Muslim Democrat Rep. was offended over legislative session that began with a prayer to Jesus Christ. You can probably guess which area of Pennsylvania that Movita Johnson-Harrell represents. If you guessed Philadelphia, one of the most unAmerican cities in the country, then you’d be correct. She was so offended by the prayer to Jesus Christ that she is a demanding an apology from other Pennsylvania lawmakers because the prayer was “highly offensive to me, my guests, and other members of the House.” Oh, apparently, it’s Islamophobic too. But it’s not just Johnson-Harrell whining. The Pennsylvania state Democratic party called the prayer an “Islamophobic message.”

Movita Johnson-Harrell – Pennsylvania Muslim Democrat Rep. offended over prayer to Jesus Christ session
Movita Johnson-Harrell - Pennsylvania Muslim Democrat Rep. offended over  prayer to Jesus Christ session

Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell said that she and her family were greatly offended at the prayer that had overt worship of Jesus Christ.

Johnson-Harrell is quoted as calling the prayer, “highly offensive to me, my guests, and other members of the House.”

“It blatantly represented the Islamophobia that exists among some leaders — leaders that are supposed to represent the people,” Johnson-Harrell said in a statement to the Pennsylvania Capital Star. “I came to the Capitol to help build bipartisanship and collaborations regardless of race or religion to enhance the quality of life for everyone in the Commonwealth.”

She had dozens of friends and family members in attendance because she was being sworn in that day.

The prayer was made by Rep. Stephanie Borowicz who refused to apologize after being told that Johnson-Harrell was offended.