More voters than not think Ocasio-Cortez is a moron and disapprove of her and her dictatorial like actions. Not everyone has heard of this nut job from New York, better known as Sandy the bartender or Occasional-Cortex. Those who have heard of her though, (aside from communist Democrat and dumb young people) are really starting to get tired of her crap. This was shown in a Gallup poll released the other day which of course, like it always does oversampled Democrats and younger voters. Ocasio-Cortez numbers are in the tank, even among independent voters. Sp she’s throwing a tantrum like a baby on Twitter.
Ocasio-Cortez throws tantrum on Twitter as poll numbers crash |
The reason people know more is bc Fox News has turned into “AOC TMZ” (no offense to TMZ), so awareness is growing w/ GOPers.@JaneMayerNYer has reported deeply on this propaganda machine + it will be aimed at any Dem they want. Nothing changes that.
We can’t be scared by that.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 16, 2019
There she is, playing the victim again. Guess what “Sandy”, as more people wake up to who you are, your poll numbers are going to get far worse than these. It has nothing to do with Fox News. In fact, Fox News are a bunch of cowards after what they did to Judge Jeanine. I know you are too stupid to understand that though.